Fruit Ripening and Recent Advances in Fruit Proteomics
Contents: Foreword. I. Introduction. II. 1. Hormonal regulation during fruit development and ripening. 2. Role of multiple hormones in colour and pigmentation change during fruit ripening. 3. Role of hormones in cell wall metabolism and softening. 5. Ethylene biosynthesis and molecular mechanism of fruit ripening. III. 1. Application of proteomics and fruit ripening. 2. Proteomics studies conducted on different fruits. 3. Climacteric fruits during different developmental and ripening stages. 4. Gel-based proteomic studies. 5. Gel-free proteomic studies. 6. Recent advancement in proteomics studying fruit ripening. 7. Mass spectrometry identification of proteins and functional classification. 8. Orbitrap fusion tribrid mass spectrometer. 9. Ionization techniques. 10. Mass analyzers. 11. MS vs Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS). 12. Diagrammatic overview of proteomics experimental workflow. 13. Proteins involved in carbohydrate metabolism. 14. Proteins involved in cell wall metabolism and modification. 15. Proteins involved in ethylene biosynthesis. 16. Proteins involved in post-translational modification. 17. Proteins involved in signal transduction. 18. Proteins involved in glycolysis metabolism. 19. Fruit proteomics for controlling ripening and shelf-life enhancement. 20. Protein identification in connection with allergens. IV. 1. Banana fruit proteomics: a case study. 2. Different protein extraction methods applied for fruit protein extractions. 3. Extraction of protein by adopting different procedures and SDS-PAGE analysis. 4. IEF and two dimensional gel electrophoresis separation of proteins. 5. Functional categorization of the proteins identified from orbitrap mass spectrometry. V. 1. Visualization of proteins by different staining procedures. 2. Image analysis of two-dimensional gels using different software’s. VI. Combination of proteomics with other global approaches in studying fruit ripening. VII. Proteomics and non-model plant systems. VIII. Conclusion. References. Abbreviations.
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Subhankar Mohanty