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Amitav Ghosh: A Critical Study

Shubha Tiwari (Author)
Synopsis The present venture is a commentary on the books of Amitav Ghosh. It is written with a purpose to explain the ideas that move these books. Ghosh, like other great writers, writes out of conviction. Each of his books is driven by his commitment to certain opinions. For example, the spirit of The Glass Palace is anti-colonial. The Shadow Lines is against artificial international borders. The Calcutta Chromosome is written with a purpose to undo the Western sense of superiority and its monopoly over scientific research. An effort has been made to reach out to the substance of the books by Amitav Ghosh. Written in a remarakably lucid and flowing prose, the book may be useful to those who are interested in analyzing the works of Amitav Ghosh from different perspectives.
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About the author

Shubha Tiwari

Shubha Tiwari, M.A., Ph.D., is a faculty member at the Department of English, A.P.S. University, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh. She edits an annual literary magazine Zenith. She has to her credit about twenty-five published research papers. Currently, Dr. Tiwari is working on the learning of English in teh Vindhya region under a major UGC Research Project. Her areas off interest are interdisciplinary approach to the study of Literature, inspirational literature, recent fiction and women’s studies.

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Bibliographic information

Title Amitav Ghosh: A Critical Study
Author Shubha Tiwari
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2003
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 812690299X
length x+108p., Index; 23cm.