Cows and Poultry in India: Their Care and Management
"This little book is a treasure of thorough practical knowledge of the subject. All scientific terms have been eschewed by the authoress who writes in a plain simple style that a child could understand, but the book is one that is written for children of large growth, and from its pages almost every thing in connection with the keeping of cows may be gleaned. Among the salient features of the work are: points to be considered in purchasing cows; food; milk and crea; how to make butter; calving, churning; bulls; management of cows when calving; complaints; Indian breeds of cows; and many other items germane to the subject in hand. The second part of the book deals with the "Management of Fowls in India". It gives a thorough knowledge about poultry: their care and management."
Contents: Preface. I. Care of cows in India: 1. Points to be considered in purchasing cows. 2. Keeping cows. 3. Food. 4. Milk and cream. 5. To make butter. 6. Buffalo's milk. 7. Dairy industries in India. 8. Richness of Buffalo's milk. 8. Buffaloes in Kattiawar. 9. Churns. 10. Separators. 11. Native churns. 12. Duration of milking. 13. Calving. 14. Bulls. 15. Dry cows. 16. Papeeta leaves and fruit. 17. Management of cows when calving. 18. Milking. 19. Complaints. 20. A few general remarks on the best-known Indian breeds of cows. 21. Cows in the hills. 22. Gainee cattle. 23. Fattening Gaina. 24. Hoof-oil. 25. A cow drinking her own milk. 26. Coor or unrefined sugar. 27. Mange. 28. Influenza. 29. Cream cheese. 30. Devonshire Junket. 31. Sour junket. 32. Vegetable rennet. 33. Whey for sick children. 34. To make cheese. 35. To make ghee, or clarified butter. 36. To clarify bazaar Ghee. 37. Remarks on Ghee. 38. A good recipe for salting beef. 39. Sweet junket for children. 40. The best scone for afternoon tea. II. The management of fowls in India: 1. Accommodation, in the plains, fowl-house yard, fowl-house in the hills. 2. Choosing fowls, the Negro, mixed breeds for domestic use and economy, quarantine, English fowls in the plains, English fowls in the hills, preservation of eggs, price of English fowls and eggs, brood-hens, jackals and foxes. 3. The country of fowl of Murghi, dressing the Murghi. 4. Laying. 5. Food. 6. Eggs for setting, times for setting in the hills, times for setting in the plains, sitting hens, testing eggs. 7. Hatching. 8. Food for chickens, chickens reared by hand. 9. Incubators. 10 (chapter of chapters). How to kill and dress a fowl, feather pillows, table of age for killing poultry. 11. Cramp, weak legs, scaly legs, bumble foot, liver, death from no apparent cause, loss of feathers, moulting, drooping wings, soft eggs, egg bound, broken eggs, hard crop, soft crop, dysentery, poisoning, scouring and straining, scurfy face and comb, white comb, black comb, colds and coughs, fever, inflammation, castor oil, gapes, insects, wood-bugs, house-bugs, ticks, lice, roup, chicken pox, swelled face, cramp and diarrhoea in the hills. Index.
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