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Aviation Law


Aviation law is amongst the most complex branches of law as it is intermingled with various laws related to use of Land, Air including Economic laws of different countries. In the most recent two decades, critical advancements have occurred in the common flight division in whole world including India. This books aims to deal with the most vital part of the law of aviation i.e. giving a structure which keeps the aeronautics business protected, reasonable, and skillful. It discusses in detail various convention relating to Aviation law namely Chicago Convention, Tokyo Convention, Hague Convention, Montreal Convention, Geneva Convention etc. Key features:Conceptual guide to a comprehensive understanding of the International stand on Aviation law Addresses the issue of pricing and capacity determination in International Air transport Discusses in detail various powers and duties of State with regard to various Conventions Examines the concept of Aircraft financing in detail.

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Bibliographic information

Title Aviation Law
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.08.2019
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789389000252
length 304p.