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Government of India Libraries: Their Growth, Development and Services

Anuradha Gupta (Author)
Synopsis The effectiveness and the efficiency of users of the library depend largely on their access to information and data, and the ability to analyse the same as inputs for strategic and operational decisions. Government of India libraries which cater to the needs of functionaries in government departments play a very significant role. These are functioning as academic, archival, repository, research and administrative libraries. This book being the first study on government of India libraries, presents a comprehensive view of organization, resources and services of these libraries. It also explores the historical development of government of India libraries, since their inception. This investigative study purports to throw light on some of the obscure and basic issues on the topic which have been hitherto remained neglected. The study is based on vast resources of data collected with the help of two specifically designed questionnaires and other primary sources. Author's 20 years practical experience of working has helped in logical analysis of the situation. The book also highlights the problems, difficulties and limitations of Government of India libraries. It offers many useful suggestions for the consideration of librarians, administrators and users. It is a valuable addition to the collection on special libraries in India.
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Bibliographic information

Title Government of India Libraries: Their Growth, Development and Services
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1994
Edition 1st Ed.
Language: English
isbn 8170187990
length xxvi+262p., Figures;Tables