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Educational Technology: Expanding Our Vision

R.C. Krishnamurthy (Author)
Synopsis Technology offers the opportunity to change the roles that teachers and students have traditionally played. With technology dispensing information, teachers are free to coach and facilitate students learning. With technology monitoring, students can become active learners, working to effectively acquire new skills as they solve problems. If the goal of creating high-performance learning organizations is to be realized, the reinvention of education has to incorporate these new tools. Educational access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) tools, applications, networks, and media worldwide has grown dramatically. Education is facing a significant challenge in preparing students and teachers for our future ‘knowledge-based’ society at a time when most teachers are not trained to use information and communication technologies (ICTs). The fundamental purpose of the book is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the book is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the elements and processes that need to be considered in the context of increasing access to information and communication technologies, at all levels of education, as any other walks of life. The work will help educational leaders, policy-makers, administrators and teachers, to make clear and dynamic vision of educational technology, in this era of information dissemination.
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About the author

R.C. Krishnamurthy

R.C. Krishnamurthy, an eminent scholar in computer science and information technology is renowned for his teachings on educational technology. His teachings and research interests have centred on virtual educational methods, implementation of ICT technologies in education and distance education. He is a visiting professor to many higher educational institutions in India and abroad, to teach information technology related subjects. He is a member of the administrative boards of several professional educational institutions. In recognition of his diverse accomplishments, Professor Ramamurthy has honoured by many educational institutions and universities. Conversant in India, Professor Ramamurthy has widely travelled and presented multiple lectures and conducted numerous classes in college and university campuses across the world.

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Bibliographic information

Title Educational Technology: Expanding Our Vision
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2003
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Authors Press
Language: English
isbn 8172731221
length viii+328p., Appendix; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.