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Libraries in India's National Developmental Perspective: A Saga of Fifty Years Since Independence

Mohamed Taher (Author)
Synopsis To get an overall picture, national developmental perspectives is used, in this book, as a platform to analyze the growth pattern of libraries. Reading interests, library use and misuse patterns, reading and book promotional activities, attitudes of the management, profession and users, are the areas covered in this book. This book is of interest for all interested in understanding the status of libraries in Indian planning and those who are involved in infostructure and infrastructure in the emerging information society. Interestingly, infostructure, it must be pointed out, is also a significant component of developmental paradigm, and cannot be ignored at any cost. The book helps in building the infostructure based on user friendly libraries, healthy atmosphere and usable libraries. This book will benefit librarians, social scientists, sociologists, book lovers, intellectual historians, information scientists, planners, decision-makers, public and private sector managers who are into MIS, and all others who are in the field of information handling.
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About the author

Mohamed Taher

Mohamed Taher is at the American Studies Research Centre, Hyderabad.

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Bibliographic information

Title Libraries in India's National Developmental Perspective: A Saga of Fifty Years Since Independence
Author Mohamed Taher
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2001
Edition 1st Ed.
Language: English
isbn 8170228425
length 569p., Tables