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Instant Notes On Horticulture Sciences

Nilesh Sharma (Author)

Horticulture is gaining importance as it gives more return per unit area and, also gives nutritious food to human being thereby improves quality of life, and enhances the aesthetic beauty in nature. Considering the recent trends in, exams, all these examination are mostly based on objective type questions and students always look for study material that is ready to use and easy to grasp. Keeping in view, each topic is briefly explained in point wise so that students can easily grasp the concepts and the emphasis is given to the most important topic. All the chapters in the book had been properly covered according to their families and relative importance. The author have referred self-prepared notes and most popular books like Handbook of horticulture.

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Bibliographic information

Title Instant Notes On Horticulture Sciences
Author Nilesh Sharma
Format Softcover
Date published: 01.01.2020
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789389130218
length 306p.