Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry is a newly introduced paper at undergraduate and postgraduate level in many universities and at present only a few books are available on this subject. This book is an effort to fill a gap in the literature available on the subject. The subject matter includes the topics from various branches of knowledge such as physics, chemistry, biology, sociology and geography etc., but the emphasis has been laid on the subject matter from the point of view of Chemistry. In addition to the need for the study of environment and environmental education, an attempt has been made to discuss the harmful effects of various chemical substances introduced into the environment by human activities. The toxicants, pesticides, insecticides chemical substances introduced into the environment by human activities. The toxicants, pesticides, insecticides etc. have been discussed in details. The poisons and their antidote have been discussed in separate chapter. Apart from the students and research scholars of chemistry the book will be of interest to all those who are interested in the study dof environment, pollution, environmental education and allied fields.
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