Precambrian Stromatolites of India and Russia (A Catalogue of Type-Form-Genera)
The catalogue Precambrian Stromatolites of India and Russia presents details of 96 Type-Form-Genera described from India and Russia up to 2000 A.D. The palaeontological aspects of the stromatolites are dealt in the catalogue. The reader will find a wealth of information on stromatolite forms, diagnostic features and their stratigraphic range vital for understanding of stromatolites of Precambrian Eon. Precambrian stromatolites are a unique object and occupy a special status in the history of the Earth. For the two thirds span of the Earth’s age they flourished in nearly every niche of the carbonate realm. It is, therefore, obvious for stromatolites to have attained a great morphological diversity. Indeed a remarkable taxonomic diversity has been recorded over the years in the sediments of Australia, Canada, China, India, Russia (Former Soviet Union [FSU]), South Africa and different regions of Africa and North and South America. Intensive attention has been paid to their studies in correlation of extensive Precambrian sediments exposed in their territories. They are widely used for intra-regional and inter-regional correlation of the Riphean sediments and have proved helpful in delimitation of the upper and the lower Proterozoic rocks. The general stratigraphy of the Precambrian in the FSU to a great extent is based on stromatolitic assemblage. The present illustrated catalogue is an outcome of collaborative work between the Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany (BSIP), Lucknow, and the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GINRAS), Moscow. It is a part of ‘Integrated Long Term Programme (ILTP) of Co-operation in Science & Technology’ between the Governments of India & Russia.
Bibliographic information
Anshu Kumar Sinha
Mukund Sharma