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Dimensions of Population Growth

R.N. Misra (Editor)
Synopsis Population explosion is a burning problem of our country. India occupies second place in the world in population whereas occupies 7th place in terms of area. India has 2.4 per cent of world’s land with 16 per cent of world’s population. The nature has given us air, land and all other resources with limited means. Unless a positive and effective check has been made on the growth of population, no doubt India will overtake China and we will face a number of problems like food, unemployment, health and what not? Again the survival of a man is a big question after 2025. It is high-time for our country to face this alarming situation. So, government, different NGOs, political parties and public as a whole should have to think seriously and steps have to be taken to solve these problems. This book is of great importance to the government, planners, research scholars, non-government organizations and others who are seriously thinking for the economic development of our country as a whole.
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About the author

R.N. Misra

Professor R.N. Misra taught at the Universities of Saugor, Gwalior and Allahabad (1959-2001) and was also a Fellow of Indian Institute of Advanced Study (1973-75; 2002-05) and Tagore National Fellow (2012-15) affiliated to the Archaeological Survey of India.

The books he authored include Bharhut (in Hindi, 1971), Ancient Artist and Art Activity (1975), Indian Sculptures (in Hindi: 1978, 2002, 2008), Yaksha Cult and Iconography (1981), Sculptures of Dahala and DaksinaKosala (1987), Ancient Indian Society, Economy and Religion (in Hindi, 1991, 1994), Silpa in Indian Tradition (2009) and Outlines of Indian Arts (edited, 2014).

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Bibliographic information

Title Dimensions of Population Growth
Author R.N. Misra
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2003
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8126115394
length xii+147 p., Plates; 23 cm.