Indian Education: Structure and Process
The present anthology is written over a period of twenty-five years in sociological perspective of Indian education. The book is divided into four parts. Part one, which is titled as "Education and Society" includes four papers, namely, education and modernization; liberalism, education and social change; education and the equality of opportunity; and relevance, equality and creativity in education. Part two entitled "Education and social goals" contains three papers, viz., social goals and the social content of education; education and the inculcation of values; and education and women's equality. Part three on "Structure and process in higher education" consists of three papers, namely, universities and the government; the crisis in university education; and obstacles to creativity in higher education. The last part--"Sociology of education"--includes five papers, viz., the scope of a sociology of education; sociology and educational research; educational research for development; decision-making; and teaching. The book will interest sociologists, educationists, administrators and policy makers.
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