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Farming System and Sustainable Agriculture

S.S. Walia (Author) U.S. Walia (Author)

The land holding of the farmer is decreasing day by day due to urbanisation and there is no chance for horizontal increase in agricultural land. To increase the income of the farmers, few steps for vertical increase in agricultural production have been discussed in this book. A detailed and comprehensive information regarding the historical background of farming system, farming system and its components, integrated farming system and allied enterprises, integrated farming system models in different agroclimatic zones, role of integrated farming system in agriculture and livelihood security, resource cycling and flow of energy in different farming systems, role of crop residues in agriculture, farming system of dryland agriculture, role of agroforestry in farming system, scope of organic farming in farming system have been given. A detailed information regarding the latest concepts of agronomy like conservation agriculture strategies in cropping system, sustainable agriculture, scope of hydroponics techniques in agriculture have also been discussed. In the end tools for determining production and efficiencies in cropping and farming system have also been given.

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Bibliographic information

Title Farming System and Sustainable Agriculture
Format Hardcover
Date published: 08.09.2020
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789388812900
length viii+336p., Illustrations (Black and White); 24cm.