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Social Problems in India

Ram Ahuja (Author)

“Social Problems in India” has established itself as a leading textbook in the field of sociology. This book is an attempt to examine the current social problems in India from a sociological perspective. It not only creates awareness about these problems, but also tries to analyse the causes of the problems, develop theories about the problems, discuss effects of social problems on individuals, groups and society at large, and further provide suggestions to deal with these problems. This fully revised, updated and expanded fourth edition distinguishes itself from the previous ones as the data on all the social problems have been updated, and new arguments/ comments, reflecting new developments, have been provided. This new edition maintains all the distinctive emphasis which gave the earlier three editions nation-wide popularity. This wonderful, easy to understand, textbook will not only continue to be of prime importance to students preparing for the competitive examinations but also for administrators, policy makers, planners and a much wider audience.

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Bibliographic information

Title Social Problems in India
Author Ram Ahuja
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2021
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Rawat Publications
Language: English
isbn 9788131611722
length xviii+646p., 25cm.