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Quest of Buddhist Paradigms, in Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia, China and Japan

Lokesh Chandra (Author) Satapitaka Series

The book narrates the interwovenness of culture between India, Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia, China and Japan. It begins with Nepal with its history alive on the waysides and homes, its rich preservation of Buddhist sutras in Sanskrit, esp. the Tattvasangraha which lives in the Shingon denomination in Japan, in the icons of Alchi and in the grandeur of the Borobudur. The second chapter deals with Tibe...

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About the author

Lokesh Chandra

Prof. Lokesh Chandra is a renowned scholar of Tibetan, Mongolian and Sino-Japanese Buddhism. He has to his credit over 400 works and text editions. Among them are classics like his Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary, Materials for a History of Tibetan Literature, Buddhist Iconography of Tibet, and the present Dictionary of Buddhist Art in about 20 volumes. Prof. Lokesh Chandra was nominated by the President of the Republic of India to the Parliament in 1974-80 and again in 1980-86. He has been a Vice-President of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, and Chairman of the Indian Council of Historical Research. Presently he is Director, International Academy of Indian Culture.

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Bibliographic information

Title Quest of Buddhist Paradigms, in Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia, China and Japan
Format Hardcover
Date published: 07.11.2020
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Aditya Prakashan
Language: English
isbn 8194538734, 9788194538738
length 219p., (6)col. pls., (21) between Illustration., ind., 29cm.