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Education in Emerging Indian Society

A.S. Thakur (Author) Sandeep Berwal (Author)

The book titled "Education in Emerging Indian Society" has been written to meet the course requirement of B.Ed. and M.Ed students according to the U.G.C. norms. The book also serves as a reference text to U.G.C-N.E.T aspirants. The authors have made a critical survey of philosophy and sociology of Education in a unique style of presentation. The emerging Indian society owes gratitude to the entire world in general, but the western world in particular, for their inputs of philosophical and sociological ideas in so far as the western type of education in our schools in India is concerned. Besides, the world has also benefited from Indian philosophy, knowledge, wisdom, mathematics and technology. Both the messages are presented, clarified, analysed, synthesized and elaborated in four sections in which this book is divided. The book also deals with perspectives on sociological basis of education and contributions of great religions-Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam and Christianity-are also highlighted. It is hoped that students as well as teachers will find the book educative, interesting and inspiring.

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About the authors

A.S. Thakur

A.S. Thakur is a distinguished teacher, researcher and administrator.  He has taught in universities overseas and in India and written over twenty books on various aspects of education, published by Indian and British publishers.  He has been the chairman of committees on education of the adult and the gifted and nomadic children.  He was the Dean of Education, University of Maidnguri, Nigeria.  He has been actively involved in guiding the private enterprise in establishing colleges of Education in Himachal Pradesh.

Sandeep Berwal

Sandeep Berwal, lecturer in Directorate of Distance Education, Kurukshetra University.  He has been contributing articles and research papers on problems of education in journals of repute.  He is closely associated with programmes pertaining the rehabilitation and empowerment of the disabled.  Providing guidance to UGC-NET/SLET aspirants has been a passion for him.

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Bibliographic information

Title Education in Emerging Indian Society
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Mayur Paperbacks
Language: English
isbn 8171981739
length 582p., 8.50 X 5.50cm.