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A Short History of Western Philosophy

A.S Thakur (Author)

The book entitled, A Short History of Western Philosophy, examines succinctly, yet adequately, the leading ideas and main trends in philosophy of the Western World from the Greek times to the present century. The emphasis is put on those ideas which have a universal appeal and are still stimulating to readers, interested in the philosophy of the Western World. It is to be acknowledged that the Western philosophy has had its impact on the philosophical systems of many countries in the world. It is hoped that the book will be of great use to the students of philosophy in the universities and to readers in general who are interested in the Western philosophy which is known for its richness, comprehensiveness and profundity.

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Bibliographic information

Title A Short History of Western Philosophy
Author A.S Thakur
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.1994
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Mayur Paperbacks
Language: English
isbn 8171981291
length 140p./, 8.50 X 5.50cm.