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Maha Naaraayanopanishad (Life as Sacrifice)

Bharadwaja Balasubrimania Sarma (Author)

The meaning and explanation, where required, in English are given for the  zaZnZaZZZaraayanopanishad. This book also deals with the following questions, in the appendices, based on the ideas in this Upanishad. )

1. Should we believe in God.

2. Are we reborn. 3. Does Karma send us to heaven or hell.

4. Do our departed ancestors expect anything from us.

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Bibliographic information

Title Maha Naaraayanopanishad (Life as Sacrifice)
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2011
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher LKM Publication
Language: English
length 208p., 8.50 X 6.00cm.