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Vijnanabhairava, or, Divine Consciousness: A Treasury of 112 Types of Yoga: Sanskrit Text with English Translation, Expository Notes, Introduction and Glossary of Technical Terms

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About the authors

P.J. Saher

P.J. Saher, best known for his book Eastern Wisdom and Western Thought, was born in Bombay and studied in England and Germany. He gave up a career at the Bar to take up research in mysticism, mastered yoga, and came under the influence first of Heidegger, then of Radhakrishnan and Huxley. He has published several widely read books in German.

Jaideva Singh

Jaideva Singh (1893-1986) was a great scholar in musicology, philosophy and Sanskrit. A former principal of Y.D. College, Lakhimpur Kheri, he served as Chief Producer in All India Radio and among other posts acted as Chairman of U.P. Sangit Natak Academi. He was awarded Padma Bhushan by the Government of India in 1974. After his retirement he settled in Varanasi to study with M.M. Gopinath Kaviraj. He dedicated the later paret of his life to the study with Kashmir Saivism. He published several books in Hindi and English translations of Kashmir Saiva texts, such as Siva-Sutras, Spanda-Karika, Pratybhijnahrdayam, Vijnanabhairava.

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Bibliographic information

Title Vijnanabhairava, or, Divine Consciousness: A Treasury of 112 Types of Yoga: Sanskrit Text with English Translation, Expository Notes, Introduction and Glossary of Technical Terms
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2020
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788194438724
length xxx+173p., 22cm.