Current Issues in Environmental and Fish Biology
This title includes original and authentic reports on various aspects of Environmental and Fish Biology discussed at a Seminar of the same name held in 2002 in Department of Zoology, Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan, India. The aim of this publication is to provide comprehensive, integrated reviews giving sound, critical, and provocative ideas of selective presentations in the seminar covering diverse areas of environmental and fish biology, from molecular to organismic levels. The topics included in this treatise are the testimony of significant growth and development that took place inphysiology, endocrinology, cell and molecular biology, ecology, toxicology, andrecent years. Likewise, the authors of these articles are the scientists who were responsible for many of these advances. Obviously, scientists engaged in research in the areas of environmental and fish biology will find this book of particular value. But the topics covered will also attract scientists and graduate students in animal reproductive biology.
Contents: Foreword. 1. Cloning, sequencing and analysis of Black Carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) Pituitary Glycoprotein Hormone (PGH) a and TSH b and Bighead (Aristichthys nobilis) TSH b cDNAs/Abhijit Chatterjee, Ya-lun Hsieh and John Y.L. Yu. 2. Assessment of pulmonary effects of air pollution: a study on the residents of Kolkata/Pulak Lahiri, Manas Ranjan Ray, Senjuti Roy, Chandreyi Basu and Twisha Lahiri. 3. Periphyton/Biofilm and its role in pond aquaculture/P. Keshavanath and B. Gangadhara. 4. Arsenic-induced lipid peroxidation at non-lethal doses/Sonali Roy, Anirban Bhattacharya, Shakuntala Roy and Shelley Bhattacharya. 5. Modelling of algal-microbial-crustacean and fish interactions in a temperate reservoir/Santanu Ray. 6. Hexachlorocyclohexane-induced oxidative stress: a mechanism for HCM mediated: testicular toxicity/Luna Samanta and G.B.N. Chainy. 7. A comparative physiological study on Allelopathy of Eucalyptus and Parthenium/A. Nayek, U.K. Kanp, R.K. Das, R.K. Bhakat and A. Bhattacharjee. 8. Influences of two commonly used organophosphate pesticides, Methyl Parathion and Phosphamidon, on the reproductive activities of female spotted Munia (Lonchura punctulata): a comparative study/Anindita Mitra and Saumen Kumar Maitra. 9. Role of Oxya fuscovittata (Marschall) in Acridid culture for biomass production/Amlan Das, Sarasi Das, P. Haldar. 10. Tropic specialization in wild population of Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius) during post-juvenile development: I-Carbohydrases/Aniruddha Jha and Sumit Hemochaudhuri. 11. Eco-friendly management of pig waste through integrated pig-fish farming-a case study/S. Naskar, B.K. Mahapatra and Anubrata Das. 12. Studies on reproductive biology of a native ornamental fish, Brachydanio rerio from NEH region/B.K. Mahapatra, K. Vinod and B.K. Mandal. 13. Some observations on the biology of Ophisternon bengalensis (McClelland) from the New Alluvial Zone of West Bengal/Soma Goswami and M. Dasgupta. 14. Plants and air pollution/Pratap Kumar Padhy. 15. Characteristics of progenitor cells in the Erythrocytic lineage of two ecological equivalent air breathing fishes, Clarias batrachus and Clarias gariepinus/Krishna Gangopadhyay and Sumit Homechaudhuri. 16. Reproductive biology of an exotic ornamental Cichild, the Ram, Apistogramma ramirezi Myers and Harry/Ambalika Ghosh, B.K. Mahapatra and N.C. Datta. Index.
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Saumen Kumar Maitra