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Organic Crop Production

S.S. Walia (Author)

Organic farming is the form of agriculture that relies on techniques such as crop rotation, green manure, compost and biological pest control to maintain soil productivity and control pests on a farm. Organic farming excludes or strictly limits the use of manufactured fertilizers and pesticides, plant growth regulators such as hormones, livestock antibiotics, food additives, and genetically modified organisms. Organic farming usually involves mechanical weed control (via cultivating or hoeing) rather than herbicidal weed control. A detailed and comprehensive information regarding organic farming concept, characteristics, principles, its types, organic   production   requirements, recycling    of    organic residues,  green manures, bio-fertilizers;  processing, grading, storage and transportation, soil  improvement  and organic manures, composting, its forms, advantages, disadvantages, and effect on physico-chemical and biological properties, vermi-compost, manure preparation methodology, organic manures and soil health improvement, economic analysis of organic farming, identification of different fungal and bacterial bio-control agents, disease control measures, organic insect management, cultural measures for insect management, indigenous technical knowledge for insect-pest, disease, weed and nutrient management, organic farming production.

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Title Organic Crop Production
Author S.S. Walia
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.08.2021
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789390495290
length 194p.