Archaeological Heritage of India
The present book "Archaeological Heritage of India "covers a wide range of topics such as Pre-history, proto-history, Epigraphic, culture Heritage, Museology, religious culture and Indian Arts etc. The book contains twenty five scholarly and much researched chapters which have been written by various eminent scholars from around India and abroad.
The chapters touches various issues like Prehistorical investigation at Bahri Madhya Pradesh, Megalithic culture of central India and Khasi tribes, Ethno-Archaeological aspects of south Asian early community Haryana, components of Harappan fortifications, archaeological investigation of Hansi in Haryana, Late Harappan in Haryana, Early Harappan weapons and Agriculture tools, Archaeological outline of ceramics development in Haryana up to the Gupta age. History of Hindu Out of India by land or by sea-a paradigm shift in ancient migrations theories., development heritage city of Srinagar. Disaster risk and challenges in Bihar with special reference of Museum's in Bihar, Gajantaka Shiva at Kalinjar, Sufi Shrines in Haryana, Sumitra Tapanasuvenu a Maurya/Iksvaku world figure of the bronze and the Sumerian homeland age. Ancient Epigraphic records of Bihar, Terracotta Nagas Nahi and Sikki Art of Bihar, Mughal Painting Akbar and Jhangir Jainism and Buddhism in Palleva period as gleaned through inscriptions and sculptures.
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Vinay Kumar