Church History in Last 2000 Year's
In the book of revelation 12:11 saints overcome on Satan by the blood of Jesus and the witness. How from twelve disciples till date in 2000 years the number of believers become 2/3 of the total world population out of 7.5 crores 4.5 crores and more than 160 countries become Christians, this is an effort to write this book, hope you will be blessed by it. Here is a little effort to glorify the bride of the groom Jesus Christ who is coming to take His universal Church soon .and edify your faith in Jesus and you may be a part of this true events by giving witness to others thus overcome on Satan. If the salvation and forgiveness of sins were limited up to stories and myth. Then with time it may vanish. But as it is so real that even the intellectuals, kings. nations were changed and as it is still working so any one can experience it is free without any differentiation.
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