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Collection of Historical Boundary Maps Related to Nepal

Buddhi Narayan Shrestha (Author)

The content of this book related to history of Nepal is translation of my pervious book in Devanagari version. Entitled ‘Nepal Sambandhit Eaitihasik Sima Naksa Sangraha (Collection of Historical Boundary Maps Related to Nepal)’. Writer updated some texts in this book.

Foreigners also use this book to gain information and knowledge on the historical boundary maps  international boundaries. Especially the north- western corner-point adjoined with India. It is international community, to protect Nepal’s Territorial integrity, sovereignty and freedom.

Manoj karki, senior translator/interpreter and Executive Editor National News Agence (RSS Nepal) translated the whole Nepali version text, including the colloquial words, into English in an execllent manner according to the deep sense of the technical terms. He has also earned a lot of translating experiences for the UNDP and other international organization located in Nepal.

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Bibliographic information

Title Collection of Historical Boundary Maps Related to Nepal
Format Softcover
Date published: 21.12.2020
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789937113649
length 280p., Numerous Maps
Subjects Atlases & Maps