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Climate Change and Agriculture: Factors and Impacts

E Parameswari (Author) V Davamani (Author) P Kalaiselvi (Author) Ors. (Author)

Contents: 1. Climate Change: An Overview/E. Parameswari, T. Ilakiya, P. Kalaiselvi, T. Anitha and S. Paul Sebastian. 2. Global Warming: A Hurdle for Overall Development in India/T. Ilakiya, E. Parameswari, V. Davamani, VR. Mageshen and P. Jagadeshwaran. 3. Aerosols and its Relation to Global Climate Change/E. Parameswari, T. Ilakiya, V. Davamani, K. Suganya and V. Prithiv Raj. 4. Influence of Climate Change on Pest Incidence in Horticultural Crops/V. Prithiv Raj, S. Thangavel and E. Parameswari. 5. Influence of Climate Change on Pest Incidence in Agricultural Crops/S. Thangavel, V. Prithiv Raj and E. Parameswari. 6. Impact of Climate Change on Vegetable Production/T. Ilakiya, E. Parameswari and V. Davamani and T. Poovarasan. 7. Biochemistry of Methane Oxidation and Technologies for Mitigation/Anitha, T., V. Balamurugan, K. R. Vijayalatha, E. Parameswari and V. Davamani. 8. Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture Crop Production and Livestock/P. Jagadeshwaran, S. Senthilnathan, M. Prahadeeswaran and V. Saravanakumar. 9. Forest Genetic Resources and Climate Change: An Overview/M. Dhasarathan and K. Senthilraja. 10. Climate Resilient Agriculture: Strategies and Perspectives/Poovarasan. T, V R Mageshen, T Ilakiya and G Karthikeyan.

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Bibliographic information

Title Climate Change and Agriculture: Factors and Impacts
Format Hardcover
Date published: 08.01.2023
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Agrobios (India)
Language: English
isbn 9789394380226
length 194p.,