The Universe in the Word: On Bhartrhari's Employment of Universals
Bhartrhari, the 5th century grammarian-philosopher, is undoubtedly one of the most uniquely brilliant figures in Indian intellectual history. The supreme place Bhartrhari gave to language in cognition and the cosmos is well known and there has been an encouraging resurgence in studies based on his great work the Vakyapadiya (VP), and to a lesser extent his Mahabhasya-Dipika (MBhD). This book focuses on his employment of the conceptual model of “jati”, the universal, in his philosophy of language, epistemology, and ontology. While it includes an informal translation of the Jati-samuddesa, a sub-chapter of the VP, this book is based on the occurrence of “jati” and allied terms throughout Bhartrhari’s VP and MBhD. Hopefully this will be of use to people interested in Bhartrhari’s thought and the history of Indian epistemology more generally.
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