Trees Around the World (In 2 Parts)
This book on trees presented in two parts, is the first of its kind ever published. Large number of important and interesting genera and species of trees around the world found place under the cover of this publication. Apart from botanical and horticultural description, distribution, common and vernacular names; there are detail enunciation of diversified uses of tree species for human use, convenience and enjoyment; as well as enrichment of nature and natural elements. Readers will get first-hand insight of the book from “Preface” and “Introduction” of both the parts. In addition to that there are exclusive informative chapters about trees on Shade and Shelter, Wood Wealth, Biofuels, Natural Dyes, Nursery and its Management, Transplanting and Establishment, Pruning, Insect Pests and Diseases. Proper indexing has been done to reach the searching content. Bibliography is there to know about the contributors of the subject and facilitate further reading. This publication provides a wealth of fascinating information for tree lovers, landscapers, amateurs, commercial tree growers, foresters, nurserymen, aromatic and medicinal plant collectors, natural dyers, fruit growers, perfumers, medical men and women, students, teachers, researchers, planners and developers.
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Sushmita Bhattacharjee