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Sneak Peek to Forestry

M. Murugan (Author) K Gobala Krishnan (Author)

UNIT-I: FOREST AND FORESTRY 1. Forest 2. Role of Forest 3. Classification of Forest Based on Mode of Regeneration, Age, Composition, Ownership, Objects of Management and Growing Stock 4. National Forest Policy 1988 - Objectives and Salient Features

UNIT-II: SILVICULTURE AND FOREST PLANTATION 5. Forest Regeneration - Types of Regeneration - Natural Regeneration through Seeds and Vegetative Parts Including Coppice and Root Suckers 6. Artificial Regeneration, Objectives - Nurseries - Types of Nurseries, Quality Seedling Production Techniques 7. Silvicultural Characters, Regeneration Techniques, Tending, Rotation, Yield and uses of Teak, Sandal Wood and Red Sanders 8. Silvicultural Character, Regeneration techniques, Tending, Rotation, Yield and uses of Casurina species, Eucalyptus species and Ailanthus execlsa 9. Silvicultural Character, Regeneration Techniques, Tending, Rotation, Yield and uses of Azadiracta indica, Melia dubia, Dalbergia sissoo and Gmelina arborea

UNIT-III: FOREST MENSURATION 10. Definition, Objectives, Scope of Forest Mensuration – Diameter, Girth and Height Measurement Methods

UNIT-IV: SOCIAL FORESTRY AND AGROFORESTRY 11. Social Forestry 12. Agroforestry 13. Tree - Crop Interaction 14. National Agroforestry Policy - 2014

UNIT-V: FOREST UTILIZATION 15. Forest Utilization - Definition - Wood Products - Solid wood and Composite Wood 16. Forest Utilization - Non-Wood Forest Products - Fibres, Floss,Bamboo,Tan,Dye,Resin,Oleoresin

Model Question - 1 Model Question – 2 Model Question – 3 Model Question – 4 Model Question - 5 Model Question - 6 Model Question - 7

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Bibliographic information

Title Sneak Peek to Forestry
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.05.2024
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789356516434