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History and Civilizations of the Jambudvipa: Reappraisal of the Puranic History from Manu and Formation of Civilizations of Asia and Europe

Thakur Prasad Verma (Author)

The present volume is an innovative research work based on Puranic history and civilizations of Asia from Manu onwards and tries to mend many misconceptions about India.

The book contends that Central Asia, at least up to Bactria, was part of cultural India. It was rather the cradle of humanity originating from Manu from the very beginning. The main branch of humanity shifted southwards in the valleys of Sindhu and Sarasvati. This happened in the geological period, and the present northern India or the plain of Ganga was a sea known in the Rigveda as the Eastern Sea. This was the reason Harappans could not settle in the Ganga valley. This fact leads us to use the famous geological theory of plate tectonics detailed in the book.

The kernel of this work is to contest the misconception about cultural India being geographically limited to the NW border of Pakistan. This work on the history of Jambudvipa conclusively shows that the cultural India extended up to the region of Bactria in Central Asia.

The author explains the importance of Puranic chronology and how its conclusions were scientific. He contests the dominant West-inspired historical narrative and uses Geology, Archaeology, and Astronomy among other fields of study to explain the evolutionary process of India's cultural legacy and its widespread influence. The illustrations are well-selected and convincingly strengthen the historical narrative.

It is hoped that the volume will contribute not only to a more nationalistic understanding of our civilizational evolution but will also bring us nearer to the truth by contesting long-held misconceptions by providing a credible historical narrative based on the scientific method.

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About the author

Thakur Prasad Verma

Prof. Thakur Prasad Verma (b. 1931), a reputed historian, epigraphist, numismatist and indologist, retired as Professor of Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. He has authored or edited, singly or jointly, over a dozen books and over 150 research papers published in leading journals and edited volumes. He is also the former Editor of the Journal of Numismatic Society of India. He has supervised Ph.D. research of 27 students. Prof. Verma is the founder-member of Indian History and Culture Society, New Delhi; Indian Archaeological Society, New Delhi and Epigraphical Society of India, Mysore. He has delivered numerous prestigious endowment lectures.

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Bibliographic information

Title History and Civilizations of the Jambudvipa: Reappraisal of the Puranic History from Manu and Formation of Civilizations of Asia and Europe
Format Hardcover
Date published: 05.06.2024
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788173057014
length xiv+684., 28cm.