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Hobo's Lullaby: 25 Years of Sketchbooks

Allen Shaw (Author)

This book portrays artist Allen Shaw’s journey as a travelling artist and sketchbook keeper for over 25 years. Encompassing travelogues from 20 different countries, it features the artist’s notes on sketching, people watching, using watercolours as a medium and mostly on how sketching has become a way of life. It glimpses into how Allen has lost the concept of a permanent home. It tells stories of distant places Allen has been to and called them home and of people he has met and called them his home. In Allen’s words, “I am the sketchbook, and you’re my song!”

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About the author

Allen Shaw

Allen Shaw is an Indian artist, illustrator, designer and storyteller who lives and works in Berlin. An alumnus of St. Stephen’s College, Delhi and the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, he holds bachelor’s in communication design with specialisation in animation filmmaking. Amidst pursuing diverse range of artistic endeavours, Allen has kept exquisite sketchbooks for over 25 years, illustrated children’s books, and designed magazines for young readers. He co-owns a communication design firm named ASK art & design collective and is a recipient of the Takshila Balsahitya Srijan Peeth fellowship.

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Bibliographic information

Title Hobo's Lullaby: 25 Years of Sketchbooks
Author Allen Shaw
Format Hardcover
Date published: 18.07.2024
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Arthshila Trust
Language: English
isbn 9788119314126
length 211p., Illustrations (Black and White, and Colour); 23cm.