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Sakhitatva in South Indian Classical Dances

Vidyalakshmi E. (Author)

Sakhi is the female companion of the protagonist in poetry and drama who often appears in Indian dance forms. Though the themes of dance are developed on the nayika-nayaka concept, presence of Sakhi is also reflected with equal importance. Sakhi plays an important part to accelerate the development of the theme of dance. Different attitude of Sakhis led to the broad classification and further demarcation of their roles and characteristics. Beyond this, analysis of different Sakhi characters from dance and drama according to the definitions based on the different friendship are given in this book. It helps one to identify any kind of companionship in the world.

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Bibliographic information

Title Sakhitatva in South Indian Classical Dances
Format Hardcover
Date published: 22.07.2024
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher B.R. Rhythms
Language: English
isbn 9788119552658
length xix+208p., 47 Col. Pls., Appendices, Bib., Index; 23cm.