Diseases and Parasites of Swine
The book "Disease and Parasites of Swine" divided into 12 chapters: 1. Hog Cholera; 2. Swine Erysipelas; 3. Enteritis of Swine; 4. Swine Infulenza; 5. Miscellaneous Diseases of Swine; 6. Brucellosis (Infectious Abortion) in Swine; 7. Mange of Swine; 8. Hog Lice; 9. Internal Parasites of Swine; 10. Trichinosis; 11. Salt Tolerance and Salt Poisoning & 12. Nutritional Diseases of Swine. Equally useful as a handy reference source for students of Veterinary courses and also for practicing veterinarians. The book compiles the necessary available information related to various diseases of the Swine. The text has been aptly illustrated through photographs and a comprehensive subject index have been provided to enhance the utility of the book.
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