Atlas of the Middle Jurassic Ostracods from Western India
From the introduction:
"In so far as study of ostracods from India is concerned fairly good works have been done on the Mesozoic and Tertiary formations during the past 4 to 5 decades. These are scattered in large number of publications and often they are not readily accessible to individual workers. It has been observed that in many papers, especially those published prior to 1980, the figures of ostracods are camera lucida sketches or optical photornicrographs of poor quality rendering their recognition difficult. The diagnoses too in certain cases are inadequate or not precise. To overcome these lacunae it is desirable to have an atlas and/or index of the known ostracod species of the country with SEM photographs of high quality. The Atlas of Paleogene Ostracods of Rajasthan Basin brought out by Bhandari (1996) was the first attempt in this regard. This was followed by Atlas of Early and Middle Miocene Ostracods from West Coast of India by Bhandari, Khosla and Nagori (2001). The present Atlas of the Middle Jurassic Ostracods from Western India is third in the series."
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Bibliographic information
S R Jakhar
Manisha Kumari