Diseases and Parasites of Horses and Mules
The book "Diseases and Parasites of Horses & Mules" divided into 10 chapters: 1. Equine Encephalomyelitis; 2. Equine Infectious Anemia or Swamp Fever; 3. Periodic Ophthalmia of Horses; 4. Glanders; 5. Dourine; 6. Miscellaneous Diseases of Equines; 7. Internal Parasites of Horses and Mules; 8. Mange in Equines; 9. Horse Bots and Their Control & 10. Some Insect Pests of Horses and Mules. Equally useful as a handy reference source for students of Veterinary courses and also for practicing veterinarians. The book compiles the necessary available information related to various diseases of the Horses & Mules. The text has been aptly illustrated through photographs and a comprehensive subject index have been provided to enhance the utility off the book.
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