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Mountain Mammals of the World

M.K. Ranjitsinh (Author)

There are several books available on the wildlife of different countries and continents, of animal and bird species, even of habitats and ecotypes like the rain forests, the wetlands and the deserts. However, one does not find a comprehensive work on the larger mammals of the mountains of the world. In this book, the author, who has been one of the foremost conservationists and has spearheaded several programmes for the protection of wildlife with his insightful writing, brings alive the world of these mammals.

With spectacular photographs and maps to show the distribution of each species, their status, behaviour, ecology and other aspects, it is a mammoth collection of about sixty-two species and seventy-eight subspecies that inhabit this world.

Mountain Mammals of the World is a definitive guide to the understanding of the most spectacular animals on earth, against the backdrop of some of the world's most splendid scenery.

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Bibliographic information

Title Mountain Mammals of the World
Format Hardcover
Date published: 06.08.2024
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Penguin India
Language: English
isbn 9780143465676
length 400p.,