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Philosophy of Science

A. Appan Ramanujam (Author)

This book on Philosophy of Science is an attempt to introduce the topic to the students of Indian Universities. Part I of this book covers the syllabus prescribed by the University Grants Commission (U.G.C.) for the subject Philosophy of Science for M.A. students (Chapter I to Chapter V).

Part II of this book provides some basic understanding on Philosophy of Mathematics, structure of the universe, Scientific Explanation and Science and Humanity (Chapter VI to Chapter IX). Most of the books on Philosophy of science focus on Karl Popper’s ‘falsification theory’ and Thomas Kuhn’s ‘paradigm shift’. But Philosophy of Science is not just a ‘talk’ on Science; it must include the knowledge of the contents of basic sciences such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The more one knows the ‘facts’ of science, the wider is the scope for philosophising science. There are journals on philosophy of science published in England and America. The contributors are mostly experts in Engineering, Medicine, Bio-sciences and Mathematical Sciences. For critical analysis of the conclusions of the sciences one should have expertise in the field of science. Such criticisms will be conducive for the further developments of the sciences. 

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About the author

A. Appan Ramanujam

Dr. A. Appan Ramanujam, born in 1947.  He did his B.Sc. (Physics), Madurai University; M.A. (Philosophy) and Ph.D., Annamalai University.  He was awarded, the Junior Research Fellowship by the U.G.C. in 1976.  Apart from research papers, articles and scripts on philosophical topics, he delivered lectures on Philosophy of Science.  Starting his career as Demonstrator in Physics (1969-71) at A.J. College, Sivakasi, he retired as the Head of the Department of Philosophy, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College, Chennai in 2006.  His main interests are Ethics, Psychology, Western Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Vaisnavism.  He participated as symposiast at the 79th session of Indian Philosophical Congress, held at Madurai College, Madurai on Values in Education in 2004 and at the World Philosophical Congress, held at Delhi University, New Delhi on Justice in 2006.  The All India Sattada Srivaisnava Association has conferred on him the title “Vaisnava Kula Bhusana” for his original contribution to Vaisnavism.  He was the Director of the National Seminar on "Indian Philosophical Heritage: A Re-understanding" in 2006, sponsored by Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR), New Delhi, held at R.K.M. Vivekananda College, Chennai.

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Bibliographic information

Title Philosophy of Science
Format Hardcover
Date published: 05.09.2024
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789383221547
length x+182p.,