Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in North West Himalaya
Medicinal and Aromatic plants play an indispensable role in the economic, pharmaceutical,
and cosmetic fields. Maximum plants are growing in a natural habitat because cultivation
has not been possible yet now, so local inhabitants are harvested from natural habitats.
Temperate regions and all hills covered with medicinal and aromatic plants. The maximum
numbers of plants are enlisted on endangered and threatened list due to climatic conditions,
anthropogenic disturbance, over-exploitation, and harvesting.
In the context of Uttarakhand, this is a hilly area that is suitable for high-altitude medicinal
and aromatic plants because the maximum area of Uttarakhand under the hills, while high
altitude area maximum time is covered by snow so to be kept suitable climate.
There are a maximum number of farmers who have a low land holding as well as more
marketing issues, so they do not take more interest in cultivating the medicinal and aromatic
plants but some plants are highly economic so local inhabitants can cultivate these plants
in a cluster.
Local farmers have a less of knowledge so they are not able to decide, which plant species
are suitable for their area and are not aware of where to get planting materials, or how to
cultivate and harvest, and they do not have an idea.
Keeping in view, all highly medicinal and aromatic plant species documented in this manual
have been compiled after the cited different sites and literature, any students, teachers,
researchers, visitors, and farmers can read this and share the knowledge. Interested farmers
can get their training from different institutes, colleges, and universities for any particular
plant or all plant species.
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Amol Vasishth