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Brocaded Fabrics of India (In 2 Volumes)

Bijoy Chandra Mohanty (Author) Alfred Buhler (Author)

CONTENTS: VOLUME I. Foreword, List of Plates, List of Figures, Introduction, Map of India: Northern and Western Regions indicating representative centres of weaving in brocading techniques, and other important places, Outline of the Techniques and the Weaves, Warping Process, Looms, Raw Materials and Fabrics, Northern Region: Historical Note and Technology, Analysis of Fabrics, Plates of fabrics and sectional views of intearlacements, interlocking and joining of threads in some of the fabrics illustrated, Western Region: Histolrical Note and Technology, Analysis of Fabrics, Plates of fabrics and sectional views of iinterlacements, interlocking and joining of threads in some of the fabrics illustrated, Map of India: Southern Region indic ating representative centres of weaving in brocading techniques, and other important places, Southern Region: Historical Note and Technology, Analysis of Fabrics, Plates of fabrics and sectional views of interlacements, interlocking and joining of threads in some of the fabrics illustrated, VILUME II: List of Plates, List of Figures, Map of India: Eastern and North Eastern Regions indicating representative centres of weaving in brocading techniques, and other important places, Eastern and North Eastern Region: Historical Note and Technology, Analysis of Fabrics, Plates of fabrics and sectional views olf interlacements, interlocking and jolning of threads in some olf the fabrics illustrated, General note on the history of brocade weaving in India, Outlines of some of the common motifs in different places, indicating their typical characteristics, Bibliography, Glossary, Index.

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Bibliographic information

Title Brocaded Fabrics of India (In 2 Volumes)
Format Hardcover
Date published: 22.11.1984
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
length 402p., 233 B/W Plates, 38 Actual Samples of Brocade Fabrics; 22cm x 29cm