Orchid: The Bio-Indicators in Duars
The East Himalayan Duars, categorized by a variety of ecological niches, create a perpetual source of curiosity that ever flings challenge to intellectuals and naturalists; the rich biotic source offers prodigious scope for investigation. The orchids have been admired for their incredible diversity in flower architecture, colour combination, pollination behaviour, modes of living, etc. Like many nature lovers, the author too had been captured by the uniqueness of orchids and since 1960, had actively participated in conserving and preserving rare and endangered orchid species, and identifying various species and sub-species of orchids that had been beyond the public eye so far.
This book is a living journal of the varied types of orchids the author had witnessed through 50 years of orchid culture unveiling unknown and untold facts added in morphology, phenology, and ecology. Since this book is based on his experience and perception, quite much information on varied species might differ from earlier writers and orchidologists, due to short sighting, ignoring, or most perhaps due to evolution through centuries. Along with other conventional details, the studying features of some species’ neck-name are specifically given for orchid lovers’ delight. Every information summarised here along with the drawing, painting, and photographs is a result of the author’s ardent interest and labour, extensive and adventurous field trip, and observation of orchids in their natural habitat as well as in the arbour and executed directly out of particular live species with great care as evidence. Uncommon insect, butterfly-orchid meetings in arbour (as captured in lenses) are also given here.
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