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Playing with the Goddess Gavri of the Mewar Bhils: Volume l: Dancing Jogis Praying Khelyas

Aditi Ghosh Mehta (Author)

This is just the kind of book wants: a lively description of Gavri ritual performances amongst the Bhil tribes of Rajasthan, a wealth of detail about the various plays involved and the rituals associated with them, and a thoughtful analysis of this rich tradition in terms of social and literary theory, all in the voice of someone who has followed it for decades with love and passion. Aditi Mehta has written a wonderful book that will be cherished by lovers of Indian culture, performance and folklore. 

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Bibliographic information

Title Playing with the Goddess Gavri of the Mewar Bhils: Volume l: Dancing Jogis Praying Khelyas
Format Hardcover
Date published: 08.12.2024
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788119380602
length 382p.,