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Playing with the Goddess Gavri of the Mewar Bhils: Volume III: Khels of the Dark and the Origin Story

Aditi Ghosh Mehta (Author)

Contents: Chapter One: Khels of the Dark: Hamlo Dhamlo, Kheturi, Dholi Bamani, Badliya Hindwa, Devi Chamunda and Lalu Lohar, Pabuji. Chapter Two: Olaknas. Chapter Three: Upat Nipat, Nat Kanjar. Conclusion. Glossary. Index. 

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Bibliographic information

Title Playing with the Goddess Gavri of the Mewar Bhils: Volume III: Khels of the Dark and the Origin Story
Format Hardcover
Date published: 08.12.2024
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788119380480
length 396p., Colour Photographs.