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The Mahabharata of Krishna - Dwaipayana Vyasa (Translated into English Prose From the Original Sanskrit Text) (In 12 Volumes)

Kisari Mohan Ganguli (Translator)

The Mahabharata of Veda Vyasa is regarded as one of the world's greatest war epics. The Mahabharata tells the tale of the conflict between the Pandava and Kaurava clans. Adi Parva, the first section of the Mahabharata, is included in the initial volume. Anukramanika, Parva Sangraha, Pauloma, Astika, Adivansavatarana, Jatugriha, Hidimvavadha, Vaka-vadha, Chaitraratha, and the Pandavas' subsequent exile are among the parvas that further subdivide the Adi Parva. Rajya-labha, Arjuna-vanavasa, Sambhavayamvara, Vaivahika, Viduragamana, Subhadra-harana, Haranaharana, and Khandava-daha Parva. Ugrasava Sauti recites Adi Parva to the sages in the Naimisha forest. The histories of Bharatas and Bhrigus are contained in it. It also includes the histories of the Kuru and Pandava kingdoms, as well as Dhritarashtra's persecution of the Pandavas. It tells the tales of figures like Shantanu, Kisari Mohan Ganguli was an Indian Sanskrit scholar who translated the Mahabharata into English between 1883 and 1896. His unabridged translation was the first of its kind, making the epic accessible to a global audience. Ganguli's work is highly regarded for its accuracy and literary

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Bibliographic information

Title The Mahabharata of Krishna - Dwaipayana Vyasa (Translated into English Prose From the Original Sanskrit Text) (In 12 Volumes)
Format Hardcover
Date published: 25.12.2024
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Shivalik Prakashan
Language: English
isbn 9789348416032
length 8700p.,