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Vedanta as a Foundation Model of Mind Learning Patterns: A Cellular Level Theory

Shruthi Sukhadev Jarali (Author)

This study offers a biological classification of learning, categorizing the nervous system into waking, dream, and deep sleep states, all guided by the soul. It organizes intelligence based on processes of learning and unlearning, independent of age, while integrating evolutionary and social dimensions. The work also establishes Vedanta as a foundational framework, rejecting certain Western psychological concepts and instead incorporating the soul (consciousness) as an active agent working at the cellular level, specifically at the center of the nucleus.

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Bibliographic information

Title Vedanta as a Foundation Model of Mind Learning Patterns: A Cellular Level Theory
Format Hardcover
Date published: 08.01.2025
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789359662497
length 243p.,