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Jnaneshwar's Gita: A Rendering of the Jnaneshwari

Swami Kripananda (Author)

A work like the Jnaneshwari requires no in- troduction. It introduces itself to the reader. For it is the outcome of the deep mystical experience of its author that is ineffable and which can be shared only by one who has it. Namadeva aptly calls it 'brahmananda- lahari, a ripple of the bliss of the Brahman. Jnanadeva was not only a great mystic but also a poet par excellence who could confi- dently say: "In words I will give form to the formless and cause the senses to experience what is beyond their power to know" (Jna. 6.36). At the same time he was conscious of the fact that in the adhyatma-sastra, or the Science of the Spirit, it is personal experience that counts and nothing else. But he had the rare capacity to please his audience and uplift them by his verbal skill; hence the production of this monumental work called the /naneshwari, which speaks for itself. Here we can only try to look at it from different angles

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Bibliographic information

Title Jnaneshwar's Gita: A Rendering of the Jnaneshwari
Format Softcover
Date published: 21.01.1999
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English, Sanskrit
isbn 9780911307641
length 370p.,