Marine Algal Flora of the Maharashtra Coast, India
This is the first comprehensive account of the Marine Algal flora of the Maharashtra coast, India.It is the first State or Regional Flora of the Marine algae of Maharashtra from India. Systematic account of about 240 species of marine algae belonging to 102 genera & 46 families were discussed. Maps of various districts of Maharashtra and collection spots are mentioned. More than 143 color photographs in 24 photo plates of species and 3 photo plates of Habitats of Konkan and Fauna of the Sea are depicted. Almost of about 190 Camera Lucida diagrams are provided in 61 figures. Threats to the marine algae are also discussed. Updated nomenclature of algae along with basionyms, relevant synonyms, citations, descriptions, exsiccata and ecology are provided wherever necessary. This Flora will be useful to botanists, seaweed industries, ecologists, naturalists, conservationists, students, researchers, teachers of biology & apart of all, persons who are interested in exploring the knowledge of seaweeds and marine algae.
Contents: Foreword:Preface: 1.Introduction:Conservation and Sustainable Use, Physiography of the West Coast, Geomorphology, Beach Formation, Classification of Coastal Zones in India, Coastal Sand Dune Formation, Climate of the West Coast, Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) and Conservation of Seaweeds, Area Under Present Study: Maharashtra Coast, Reasons for Undertaking the Present Work and Its Importance, 2.Past and Present Work 3. Past Work 4. Present Work: Field work, Herbarium work-Identification of Seaweeds, Herbarium Consultation, Plan of the Flora 5. Topography & General Features: The Western Ghats, The Deccan Plateau, The Coastal Belt, Climate, Summer, Rainfall 6. Seaweed Diversity & Stastistical Analysis 7. Review of Environmental Factors Affecting the Growth and Distribution of Seaweeds 8.Ecological Importances of Seaweeds 9. Concluding Remarks 10. Systematic Enumeration: Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta.11.List of Photoplates.12.Selected Bibliography.13.Index of Botanical Name.
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