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The Rise and Decline of Pataliputra

Kameshwar Prasad (Author)

The present book attempts to give a comprehensive account of one of the oldest cities of India and capital of the Nandas and Mauryas, Pataliputra.

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About the author

Kameshwar Prasad

Dr. Kameshwar Prasad is at present serving as principal in the Smt. M.C. Desai Arts and commerce college, Prantji (Gujarat). Formerly he was a senior lecturer in the Department of English in the H.P. Arts and Commerce College, Talod (Gujarat). His Ph.D. is on R.P. Jhabvala. He is also the author of the "Essentials of English Grammar". He has written many literary and critical articles on the various topics. he writes poems both in Hindi and English. His poems and articles have been published in various magazines and the journals.

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Bibliographic information

Title The Rise and Decline of Pataliputra
Format Hardcover
Date published: 21.01.2025
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789348309402
length xiii+240p., 28 Col. Pls., Bib., Ind., 24cm.