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Advanced Agrometeorological Techniques for Climate Smart Agriculture

V S Malunjkar (Author)

The book entitled “Advanced Agrometeorological Techniques for Climate Smart Agriculture” comprises the innovative techniques and methodologies essential for modern agricultural practices. The book highlights their development of Agrometeorological Techniques in Pre and Post Historic Era, Inter-Annual and Intra-Seasonal Variations, Crop Simulation Models: Tools to Study Crop-Weather Relation and Impact of Climate, Advanced Agrometeorological Instruments, Science Behind Climate Change, Adaptation and Mitigation Options in Agriculture, Estimation of Crop Water Requirement under Changing Climate using CROPWAT Model, Crop-Weather Relationships, Ferret Data Visualization and Analysis, Weather Generators: Introduction and Their Applications in Climate Impact Studies, Weather Forecasting Techniques and Forecasting Models and Micro-level Agromet Advisory Services (MAAS): Its Role and Impact on Indian Agriculture. Furthermore, it covers crop weather pest models, ensemble modelling for climate studies, and the utilization of crop simulation models for effective agricultural planning and resource management.

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Bibliographic information

Title Advanced Agrometeorological Techniques for Climate Smart Agriculture
Author V S Malunjkar
Format Hardcover
Date published: 27.01.2025
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788119105847