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The Branches of the Rig Veda-different Traditions in Vedic Period, Vol.3: A Comparative Study of the Sakha Samhita

Andreas Leitz (Author)

This is the 3rd volume from the work on the Vedic Traditions. The work goes on, where volume 2 has ended. In this volume the great public rituals are found on the ancient Vedic texts.

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Bibliographic information

Title The Branches of the Rig Veda-different Traditions in Vedic Period, Vol.3: A Comparative Study of the Sakha Samhita
Author Andreas Leitz
Format Hardcover
Date published: 23.10.2024
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789391952860
length viii+663p., 20 B/W Illus., 23cm.