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Ghost of the Clouded Plains

Sankha Wanniatchi (Author)

Ghost of the Clouded Plains is Photographer/Naturalist Sankha Wanniatchi's first book venture and captures over 8 years of intense study on the Leopard of Horton Plains.

In coffee table book format, it features breathtaking photography of the leopards in their wilderness plains/montane forest habitat, as well as researched information combined with first-hand observations on behaviour, physical nature and a vast spread of other scientific & field data. 'Ghost of the Clouded Plains' is the first book of its kind, focusing exclusively on the leopard population of Horton Plains.

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Bibliographic information

Title Ghost of the Clouded Plains
Format Hardcover
Date published: 19.12.2024
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Sankha Wanniatchi
Language: English
isbn 9786249311602
length 232p., Size: 30 x 27 x 3 cm.