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Svayambhupuranam: Original Text with English Translation

Kashinath Nyaupane (Author) Sharada Poudel (Author)

Sanskrit text with English. The Svayambhu Purana is an important text on Nepalese Buddhism, magnifying the shrine of Svayambhu. Its content is believed to have been delivered as a sermon by Sakyamuni Buddha on the Manjusri Hill. The volume deliberates on ten key points such as the narrative of the self-generated birth of the Svayambhu; mention of the Vipasvi, a primordial Buddha; the emergence ...


Contents: Preface Introduction प्रथमोऽध्याय: (Prathama Adhyāya) Origin of Svayambhū द्वितीयोऽध्याय: (Dvitīya Adhyāya) Practising the Worship of the Svayambhū तृतीयोऽध्याय: (Tr̥tīya Adhyāya) Story of the Origin of Svayambhū चतुर्थोऽध्याय: (Caturtha Adhyāya) Vītarāga Tīrtha पंचमोऽध्याय: (Pañcama Adhyāya) Story of the Origin of Svayambhū षष्ठोऽध्याय: (Ṣaṣṭha Adhyāya) Dharmādhātu Vāgīśvara सप्तमोऽध्याय: (Saptma Adhyāya) Concealment of the Dharmadhātu Vāgīśvara अष्टमोऽध्याय: (Aṣṭam Adhyāya) Instrument for Good Rainfall नवमोऽध्याय: (Navam Adhyāya) The Glory of the Qualities of Śāntikara दशमोऽध्याय: (Daśama Adhyāya) The Glory of Svayambhū उपसंहार (Epilogue)

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Bibliographic information

Title Svayambhupuranam: Original Text with English Translation
Format Hardcover
Date published: 20.12.2023
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher D K Printworld
Language: English, Sanskrit
isbn 9788124612507
length xiv+315p., 23cm.